2023 is almost over..

This year, I was able to hold two solo exhibitions in Kamakura, where I was born and bred in.
Click here to see the panoramic photo of my latest exhibition.
I’d like to thank the cafe owners for providing me with relaxing spaces and time. I would also like to sincerely thank the visitors who came there. Holding exhibitions made me look at my own works objectively, and it also made me discover what I should do next. I don’t have any plans to exhibit next year, so I’d like to focus on making my art and learning about nature.
It’s embarrassing that even though sad things are always happening somewhere in the world, my mind is always occupied with things that are directly related to me.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
※たぶのきの展示にて「だいじなこと(=ラッコの版画)」、ミルクホールの展示にて「Thank you ハガキ」を寄付形式にてお求めくださった皆様へ。ご寄付頂いた全額を、絶滅の恐れのある野鳥の生息地を守る活動・海洋プラスチックゴミから海鳥を守る活動などへの募金とさせて頂きました。ご協力に感謝いたします。